Ledger® Live* Logiň

Ledger Live Web is a web app that lets you manage your crypto assets with your hardware wallet and a user-friendly interface. You can send, receive, track, trade, and secure..

Ledger Live, go to Accounts . Click on the star icon of the account you want to add as starred account. 4. Main viewer. The main viewer is the place where you interact with the main sections of Ledger Live. In Portfolio, the main viewer displays the following sections:

Account Number Control – ability to block using certain account numbers in transactions since they are system maintained. An example is the Accounts Receivable asset account number. Why Choose Ledger Live. A Ledger hardware wallet, combined with the Ledger Live app, is the best solution to secure, store and manage your crypto assets.

Ledger Live Login: Ledger Live login, the flagship software from Ledger, stands out as more than just a wallet—it's a comprehensive platform for managing your digital assets. In order to make it easier for you to navigate through the Ledger stack, we adopted an approach per project profile, to guide you through content, tools and resources

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